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Things are getting HOT at SDSU's Aztec Recreation Center
Events2HVAC is controlling SDSU's recreation center temperature environment based on the how the class is booked in EMS.
COVID Tip: Use Post-Stop to "Flush" Rooms After Each Event
Events2HVAC's post-stop feature can be used to keep HVAC running for a specified amount of time after each event to "flush" out the room.
Runtime Analytics Make Tracking Events2HVAC Savings Easy
Runtime analytics in Events2HVAC tracks "occupied" runtime savings by room, building or campus, and totals results by week, month and year.
Northwestern University Automates Arena Ventilation Based on Event Schedule
Custom multi-state action allows variable operating modes based on event type.
Automating Demand Response with Events2HVAC
Jim Urbanski, Energy Manager at Wicomico County Public Schools in Maryland, is a true pioneer of energy management. In addition to...
New Features: BACnet Status Point and Heartbeat
New features of Events2HVAC permit users to automate switching between Events2HVAC and backup building schedules if communication is lost.
Fine-Tuning HVAC Control with Events2HVAC
Events2HVAC can be fine-tuned with stop-gap times, zone first/last times, and negative post-stop times.
The Key to Campus-wide Energy Savings
Incrementally add Events2HVAC to your campus along with your construction projects.
Coasting to Save Energy
Users can now put a negative post-stop time into Events2HVAC so that HVAC returns to "unoccupied" settings BEFORE the end of an event.
Dynamic Zone Scheduling
Dynamic zone scheduling is a hot new feature in Events2HVAC v1.3.2 that will be helpful to many users. It was added for one reason –...
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