The World Economic Forum recently published a paper revealing that the most affordable energy is “energy that is not used”.
It suggests practical measures such as minimizing the usage of idle assets and equipment, aligning room temperatures with the outside climate, and optimizing space utilization. The paper highlights the effectiveness of AI-powered software in managing existing HVAC systems, reducing their energy intensity by an impressive 20-25%. With a payback period of less than a year, the World Economic Forum highlights these strategies as producing fastest return and the least complexity among all energy demand management options.
Events2HVAC's customers are empowered with these powerful outcomes; measured in months, achieve financial payback and generate positive returns thereafter.
Events2HVAC is at the forefront of this drive, offering a simple, retrofit-friendly software solution. We are working hand-in-hand with scheduling software providers and industry giants like Siemens, Automated Logic, and Johnson Controls. Learn more about this energy revolution.