Last summer we added a new interface option to our existing MS Exchange calendar event provider. Along with the original EWS API (Basic and OAUTH) implementation, we added the newer MS-Graph API connection.
The MS-Graph API offers the best performance and support moving forward since the EWS (Exchange Web Service) API is obsolete and no longer being maintained or improved by Microsoft. The EWS API using basic authentication will be removed completely soon, so if you are still using that method is important to switch now to use either EWS (OAUTH) or MS-Graph.
The benefits of moving to MS-Graph are:
Significant performance improvements when querying each room calendar. This will increase the number of room calendars that can be queried in Events2HVAC.
Room calendars don't have to be attached to a room distribution list to be discovered by Events2HVAC
MS-Graph is the newest supported API for O365 and uses current standard API practices.
MS-Graph OAUTH security is more granular and IT-friendly.
If you have an on-premise MS Exchange server, your only option is to use the EWS API.
The switch is really easy, but you'll need to get your O365 administrator involved since it a new OAUTH application credential in Azure Active Directory will need to be created. Please contact Streamside Solutions support to assist with the details of the switchover.